Nordic Marine
Think Tank

the third Climate change forum for aquaculture and fisheries
In Helsingborg, Sweden on 16 January 2025
Consumers and Climate Change
Joint NMTT & ICES Launching of the

the Climate Change Forum is financed by
The Nordic Council of Ministers

The first Forum took place 9-10th December, 2021 in Elsinore Denmark - see more below

The purpose this one-and-a-half-day joint NMTT-ICES Workshop is to provide an
opportunity for fisheries and aquaculture stakeholders, scientists and policy makers to
discuss, exchange ideas and identify practical steps for the fisheries and aquaculture
sectors to adopt to and reduce its own contribution to climate change.
The longer-term aim is to launch the Nordic Climate Change Forum for Fisheries and
Aquaculture to provide the Nordic fisheries and aquaculture sectors with a platform and
sounding board for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and practices of how to adapt to the
new climate conditions while mitigating the sector’s own impacts.
The workshop will be chaired by Árni M. Mathiesen, former Minister, Iceland
Setting the scene
Three keynote speakers will inform the meeting about the state of knowledge with respect the impacts of climate change on the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, the economics of climate change and ho life cycle analysis can be used to identify climate impacts
Industry Challanges
where examples of responses to climate change will be presented by various parts of the fisheries and aquaculture value chain
POlicy challenges and Responses
which will be used to discuss how the fisheries policy makers have addressed the climate challenge.